
Useful Information

Poster Printing Companies

There are some printing stores that are 5km away from the conference venue.

1. HC Copy (혜천문화사)

  • Address: 171 Daehak-ro, Gungdong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon (대전광역시 유성구 궁동 대학로 171)
  • Email: mongr@hanmail.net
  • Phone Number: +82-042-823-1212
  • Price: KRW 44,000 per one A0 page (shipping is possible, with a fee varying depending on the number of pages; can be free if the number of order is high).
  • They do accept order via email. If you have many posters to be printed, sending all the files in one email is suggested.

2. Add Power (애드파워)

  • Address: 1F, 227 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon (대전광역시 유성구 대학로 227 1층)
  • Email: addpower1@hanmail.net
  • Phone Number: +82-042-862-9607
  • Price: KRW 40,000 per one A0 page (shipping is possible and can be free depending on the number of order)
  • They do accept order via email. If you have many posters to be printed, sending all the files in one email is suggested.

It takes 10 minutes by taxi to reach these places. Unfortunately, they do not speak English fluently. If you need help in communicating with them, we can write you some sentences so that they will understand your purpose.

  • Time Difference & Business Hours
    Korea Standard Time (KST) is 9 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+9). We do not have daylight savings time in KST.

    Business hours for banks are generally from 09:00 to 16:00 on weekdays only. Banks are closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays. ATMs are widely available. Major department stores are open from 10:30 to 19:30, including Sundays, but smaller shops and restaurants tend to open earlier and close later every day.
  • International Call
    The International dialing code in Korea is +82. Please omit (0) when dialing from overseas.
  • Tax
    Value-added tax (VAT) is levied on most goods and services at a standard rate of 10% and is included in the retail price. In tourist hotels, this 10% tax applies to meals and other services and is added into the bill.
  • Tipping (Gratuities)
    Tipping is not a traditional custom in Korea. A 10% service charge will be added to your bill at all tourist restaurants and hotels. It is also not necessary to tip a taxi driver unless she or he assists you with your luggage or provides an extra service.
  • Electricity
    The standard electricity supply is 220 volts AC/60 cycles. Most hotels may provide outlet converters for 110 and 220 volts. Participants are recommended to check with the hotel beforehand.
  • Language in Korea
    Hangeul (한글), official alphabet of Korea, was first invented by King Sejong during the Joseon Dynasty. Originally called Hunminjeongeum (훈민정음), the language was conceived in 1443, and further promulgated by the King in 1446. At the time of its inception, the language was consisted of 17 consonants and 11 vowels however, since then, 3 of the originally established consonants and 1 vowel have fallen into disuse bringing the total number of characters to 24. Syllables are formed by the selective combination of vowels and consonants to create words.
  • Currency, ATM, and Card

    1) Currency

    Major foreign currencies that can be exchanged at banks, hotels, and the airport include the US Dollar, Japanese Yen, Euro, and UK Sterling. Most hotels, restaurants, and shops accept major international credit cards including Visa, American Express, Diners Club, Master Card, and JBC. Foreign-issued ATM cards may have limited use.

    ※ About Won(KRW) : Korea’s currency is the won. There are 1,000, 5,000, 10,000, and 50,000 won bills. Coins come in 10, 50, 100, and 500 won.

    50,000 won

    10,000 won

    5,000 won

    1,000 won


    500 won

    100 won

    50 won

    10 won

    2) ATM(Automated Teller Machines)

    Travelers who carry internationally recognized credit cards can get a cash advance in Korea Won from Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) installed at airports, major hotels, department stores, subway stations and tourist attractions. ATMs are in operation 24 hours a day. Most large stores, hotels and restaurants in Korea accept major international credit cards. However it is advisable to carry some cash, since many smaller establishments and stores are unlikely to accept credit cards. ATMs that accept international cards are common, especially in areas frequented by foreigners; look for ATMs with a “Global” sign or the logo of your bank. Global ATMs offer multi-languages.

    3) Card

    Diners Club, Visa, American Express and MasterCard are widely accepted at major hotels, shops, and restaurants in the larger cities. Check with your credit card company for details of merchant acceptability and other services which may be available.
  • Emergency Calls
    • 1339 : Medical Emergency
    • 119 : Emergencies for Fire, Rescue & Hospital Services
    • 112 : Police
    • 129 : First Aid Services
LTD20 Secretariat Genicom Co., Ltd.
273, Baeul 1-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34036, Korea
Tel : +82-42-472-7460 | Fax. : +82-42-472-7459 | Email : ltd20@ibs.re.kr