
Invited Reviews (Confirmed)

Douglas Bennett


Understanding the Device Physics Behind Transition-edge Sensors


Douglas Bennett is the group leader of the Quantum Electronics group in the Quantum Sensors Division at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. He received his Ph.D. in 2007 from Stony Brook University with a dissertation on “Studies of decoherence in rf-SQUID qubits”. He then joined NIST as a postdoc in 2008. Since joining NIST, he has researched a variety of different low temperature detector technologies, including transition-edge sensor microcalorimeters and microwave SQUID multiplexing. His current research primarily focuses on the how the fundamental behaviors in superconducting devices impact the design of cryogenic and quantum sensors and how superconductivity can be used in the development of scalable low-noise readout of low temperature detectors.

Mark Croce


LTDs for the Analysis of Nuclear Materials


Since joining Los Alamos National Laboratory in 2005, Mark Croce has focused on development of innovative instrumentation and methods for precision nondestructive analysis of nuclear materials to support forensics, safeguards, and material accountancy. His recent work spans basic science to nuclear material inventory measurements, and includes gamma spectroscopy for advanced nuclear fuel cycle facilities, X-ray microanalysis for environmental samples, and decay energy spectroscopy for plutonium and uranium isotopic analysis of small samples. He has a degree in Physics from the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Daniel Dutcher

Princeton University

Mapping the Cosmic Microwave Background with Low Temperature Detectors


Dr. Daniel Dutcher is an experimental physicist whose research focuses on building and using instruments to study the very early universe. He has worked on millimeter-wave telescopes in the Atacama Desert and the Antarctic plateau that measure the cosmic microwave background, the relic thermal radiation left over from the beginning of the universe.
As a member of the South Pole Telescope collaboration, Daniel worked on readout and detector development for the SPT-3G camera upgrade, deployed the instrument to the field, and led the first scientific analysis of SPT-3G data to produce constraints on cosmological parameters. Daniel now works as part of the Simons Observatory collaboration, in which he manages the detector testing program and has assisted with instrument integration in Chile. Daniel earned his Ph.D. in Physics at the University of Chicago and is currently an Associate Researcher at Princeton University.

Andreas Fleischmann

Heidelberg University

Magnetic Micro-Calorimeters: Concepts and Visions


Andreas Fleischmann is senior scientist at the Kirchhoff-Institute for Physics, Heidelberg University. He is interested in the physics of solids at low temperature, including the physics of atomic tunneling systems in amorphous materials and the physics of Josephson-devices. Since 25 years he is involved in the development of low temperature particle detectors, based on micro-calorimeters with paramagnetic or magnetic penetration-depth thermometers. Meanwhile these detectors are used in a variety of applications, ranging from precision experiments in atomic physics, over a camera for neutral molecule-fragments with keV kinetic energies, to neutrino mass experiments like ECHo and AMoRE.

Noah Kurinsky

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Searching for Dark Matter at meV Energy Scales


Noah Kurinsky completed his PhD at Stanford in 2018, working on the SuperCDMS experiment, where he led the design of the low-mass detectors for SuperCDMS SNOLAB and the first SuperCDMS HVeV electron-recoil dark matter analysis. He was subsequently a Lederman Fellow at Fermilab, where he helped establish the NEXUS underground facility for testing both TES-based phonon detectors as well as novel RF technologies, including KIDs and Qubits in low-background environments. He moved to SLAC as a Staff Scientist to found a new group focused at the intersection of superconducting qubits and dark matter detection (DMQIS), and was awarded a DOE Early Career award in 2022 to develop qubit-based sensors for dark matter detection experiments. He is a member of the SuperCDMS and ADMX collaborations and a founding member of the BREAD axion experiment and SPLENDOR dark matter experiment.

Ben Mazin

UC Santa Barbara

Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors: The Second Decade


Professor Mazin attended Yale University, graduating in 1997. He then attended the California Institute of Technology, graduating with a doctorate in Astrophysics in August, 2004. After a short post-doc at Caltech, he went to work as a scientist at JPL in March, 2005. He joined the faculty at the University of California Santa Barbara in September, 2008, where he leads a lab dedicated to the development of optical/UV/X-ray Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors (MKIDs) and astronomical instrumentation for time and energy resolved studies. His current research focus is building and using MKID-based instruments for detecting and characterizing nearby exoplanets. He was awarded the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) in 2010, and the Worster Chair in Experimental Physics from 2017-2022.

Mikko Mottonen

Aalto University

Low-Temperature Detectors Rock with Superconducting Quantum Computers


Mikko Möttönen is a Professor of Quantum Technology at Aalto University and VTT, working especially on superconducting quantum-electric circuits and ultrasensitive bolometers. He has published more than 140 scientific articles with more than 8,000 citations, including four articles in the top journals Nature and Science. He has received five ERC grants in total. Mikko graduated with a doctorate in technology in 2005 from the Department of Applied Physics at the Helsinki University of Technology. Although focusing on experimental quantum physics, Mikko has also made major theoretical contributions. Breakthroughs in research have enabled the commercialization of quantum-computing devices, including the spinout of IQM from his Quantum Computing and Devices (QCD) research group. Currently, Mikko is one of the four Co-Founders of IQM Quantum Computers. Recently, Mikko obtained the Nokia Recognition award, the Väisälä Science Prize, the Innovation Professor Award, and an Honorary Doctorate from Lappeenranta University of Technology. He was also elected as a member of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters and the Finnish Academy of Technology.

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